This Is The Only Level
Skákačka s pouze jednou úrovní, která se opakuje neustále dokola. Přesto je však o zábavu postaráno, protože pokaždé je úroveň trochu jiná, i když vypadá stejně.
Počet zobrazení: 4061
Kategorie: Skákačky
myší, šipkami
divná hra
nezaujala me
Není to špatné, ale moc dlouho mě to nebavilo.
nejtezsi level je 8. ale nevim co mam delat v 15. nemuzu otevrit tu mriz
Jen fakt nevim jak v 15 stage mam otevrit tu branu pred cilem :-)
Lehce.. Je tam napsáno Time to refresh -> Čas pro F5 :) Vypni a zapni flashovku a dej pokračovat ve hře, a lvl 15 pak uděláš :)
Center keyboard = Střed klávesnice.. Musíte použít tlačítka T G F H místo šipek :)
trvalo mi to : 12:46:65
a 83 jsem umrel
Stage 1 (arrow keys required) -- use arrow keys to move to the yellow pipe at the right corner, hit red button to open door, and don’t hit the spikes
Stage 2 (not always straight forward) -- use the keys to move opposite directions (right key makes you go left, etc.); jump key works normally
Stage 3 (think before doing) -- door is already open (don’t hit red button)
Stage 4 (alternate control scheme) -- click mouse to jump elephant to wherever you clicked
Stage 5 (freefloating) -- your jumps are extra large so just don’t hit the ceiling spikes
Stage 6 (a bit bouncy here) -- you bounce so just don’t hit the spikes
Stage 7 (dull appearances) -- the spikes aren’t harmful; they let you bounce
Stage 8 (candy stripes of doom) -- stay on the pink or yellow stripes (the others are deadly) -- note the colors change here so I can’t tell you for sure which color is good
Stage 9 (arrow control) -- move your mouse to move the elephant and click to jump
Stage 10 (heavy headwind here) -- it will push you left so keep jumping right to move
Stage 11 (no returns, no refunds) -- you cannot move right. If you mess up click the Panic button at the bottom of the screen to restart the Stage
Stage 12 (stay low) -- you can’t jump so just keep moving left (the door is already open)
Stage 13 (left right march) -- alternate the left and right arrow keys to move across the screen (the door is already open)
Stage 14 (one leap of faith) -- your jumps are extra large
Stage 15 (time to refresh) -- refresh your browser. The game will let you return this stage from the main menu
Stage 16 (keep hitting it) -- repeatedly hit the button to make the door open
Stage 17 (worried about nothing) -- the stage is normal
Stage 18 (collapse) -- run/jump to the very right of the screen (just short of the spikes) and fall through the floor to the exit (don’t worry about the button)
Stage 19 (stuttering) -- works normally just with annoying slowness
Stage 20 (Do you remember?) -- everything is white so go by memory
Stage 21 (Inbetween gravitii) -- green stripes make you float and orange is normal) so jump from orange
Stage 22 (Mime’s folly) -- there is a barrier to the right of the button to the bottom of the screen so don’t go that way. Instead, go to the top block and fall down
Stage 23 (center keyboarder) -- use the F to go left, H to go right, and T keys to jump
Stage 24 (UPPERCASE) -- go to the end door and hold the caps lock key to open it
Stage 25 (When it feels like it) -- the door opens randomly so just wait for it
Stage 26 (Or is it) -- the door is not really there so just run through it
Stage 27 (credit page) -- go to the menu (button all the way on the left bottom corner of your screen) and then click Credits. It will say “Unlock Stage 27 for me” at the bottom.
Click it and then return through the menu.
Stage 28 (oh ho, so close) -- you are zoomed way in on your elephant. Just move about the screen normally.
Stage 29 (closing shop) -- once you click the button, the door will close quickly so go as fast as possible
Stage 30 (no sweat) -- the screen will be black so just go from memory
Be proud -- you made it!
taka ciparna by me zajimalo kdo to vymyslel
good hra dobry nabydy a chytaky
to je good
už ten vzhled napovidí o tom že to nebude nic moc hra
opet nic moc, tak na 2* snad
super xD
Dobra blbustka, zajimavy napad.. 5/5
Jak mam udelat tu 18 tku ??? nechapu
pobavilo me to pekna hra
celkem zabavna hra
bavila me :))
nezaujala me..
super hra
slabota jako :( neni to vubec zabavne :(
dik za navod ted jsem to konecne dohral :D
mohli by udelat i 2. kolo :D
Jinak super hra!!!!
ale stejnak to je dobre vymysleny :)
pochybujem o čo chceš by som sa stavil že si to neprešiel bez návodu.. napríklad len taká časť kde si mal stlačiť caps lock alebo ovládať s F G T alebo časť kde sa šlo do toho menu.. nesnaž sa nas oklama že si to dal bez návodu
blbost nějak procházet pořád stejným mě nebaví
dobra hra dost....vychytany...:)
celkem dobry
08:24:77.5 a jenom 25 mrtvých
16 minut, 137 smrti ;)
Ale hra dobra.... ale mohli dat vic lvlu :P
tak sem moh rict ze sem to dal bez navodu :)
tyhle hry jsou dobré jak chceš
jak na tu 18?
teda na 15
zasekla sem se až u 27. levlu ale nakonec sem naněj přišla
super ale bez navodu je to tezky ale dal sem to
:D už jsem zkusil všechno ale nejde mi to :(
dobra hra...